At Palomar Solar, we truly believe in the value of the customer experience. We are known for our top notch customer service and accountability. This fun neighborhood solar installation all started from word of mouth. Dwight “Andy” Anderson, owner of Palomar Solar is...
Palomar Solar’s own rooftop solar installation Completing our own rooftop solar system with 145 solar panels along with 145 Enphase microinverters in Escondido, CA was fun, exciting and overdue. “We planned to go solar years ago, but have just been too busy....
Change to TOU (DR-SES) Instructions Below are listed step by step instructions with attached photos on how to change your billing structure with San Diego Gas & Electric. Step 1: Go to Step 2: Login to your online account with User ID...
Change to TOU-DT Instructions Below are listed step by step instructions on how to change your billing structure with Southern California Edison. Step 1: Call Southern California Edison at 1 (800) 655-4555 Step 2: Press 2 for billing Step 3: Enter your Account...
Starting March 1st 2017 SDG&E is raising rates, yet again. They will have a rate increase of 10 percent, the Utility has steadily increased their rates as much as 25 percent annually in recent years. If you already have solar electric you’re lucky and get to avoid...