December 31st is the deadline and our schedule is almost completely booked up!

If taking your 30% Tax Credit is important to you, we have less than 3 months left in 2017 to install your home solar system. Some projects will not make the timeline based on specific issues related to their system design.

Did you know?

In order to claim your 30% Federal Tax Credit for 2017:

  • Your system has to be installed
  • Your system has to have passed inspection by the City or County
  • Your “Permission to Operate” or PTO must be granted by the Utility

If you haven’t moved forward with your project yet, give us a call and we can discuss the likelihood of making the DECEMBER 31st deadline for 2017. Palomar Solar wants to help you and your family go solar.

Call us today to learn more 760.504.0388

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Curtis Williamson