Sep 22, 2020 | Solar News
Solar Panel Damage Will Solar Panels Damage my Roof? No, though if not properly installed they can definitely cause damage. Believe me we have seen some pretty scary solar panel installations. This is why a companies reputation should always be taken into account when...
Aug 17, 2020 | Solar News
Solar Panel Cleaning 101 How Often Should you Clean Your Solar Panels? Fortunately, high-efficiency solar panels don’t require constant cleaning. The amount of sunlight lost from dirty panels is not high enough to make a difference. However, there are times when...
Jul 4, 2020 | Uncategorized
Happy Independence Day Stay safe everyone!
Jun 25, 2020 | Palomar Solar, Solar News
Your PV Solar System is a very large investment in what is likely your single biggest investment, your home. Solar can be one of the best investments you make depending on the contractor you hire, if you make the wrong decision you may regret it for many years to...
Apr 22, 2020 | SDGE, Solar News, Southern California Edison
SDG&E is Acting on The New “Time of Use” TOU Plans You know those summer days when you arrive home from work exhausted, hungry and hot – on the way in you grab your mail, kick on the AC, and preheat the oven in preparation for dinner. Well, you may...