Southern California Edison has finally announced their region will be switching over to the NEM 2.0 agreement. As of right now there are no details on what the new terms will be, only stating that NEM 2.0 will go into effect on July 1st, 2017 OR when they reach their 5% program capacity limit, whichever comes first. What we know for sure is that NEM 2.0 will have higher rates, interconnection fee and TOU (Time of Use) rate structure changes.

Either way that only leaves us 5 months to get your system installed, inspected by the city or county and given PTO (Permission to Operate) by SCE, under the current NEM 1.0 terms that will be good for 20 years.  There are many variables that effect the install time frame, such as weather, the Utility (SCE will most likely be very busy due to switching to NEM 2.0), County and City etc. The entire process can take a few months on a roof or ground mounted residential system. If you have been thinking about going solar, but haven’t made the decision, now is the time. Avoid paying a procrastination fee and make the best of your solar investment.

Palomar Solar will try our very best to have you installed and granted PTO in time to still get under the NEM 1.0 umbrella, but time is of the essence.

Call us today to get on the schedule before SCE NEM 2.0 terms go into effect!


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Curtis Williamson