Turko Files Stamps Palomar Solar with “The Real Deal”

Michael Turko of KUSI News and Turko Files in San Diego, CA is a local legend known for his first-rate investigative reporting. Often exposing fraudulent companies, nasty scams and even government issues. He is a true advocate for the people in San Diego and at this point is recognizable almost everywhere he goes.

Even though Mr. Turko from Turko Files usually does expose’s on consumer affairs gone wrong, he definitely wants to shine a light on companies doing things ethically.  When he heard about Palomar Solar doing business the right way and offering a big solar giveaway, he paid us a visit to check us out for himself. After doing so, he stamped Palomar Solar “THE REAL DEAL”.  

“After watching Turko expose many solar companies scamming homeowners, it was refreshing that he came to our headquarters to spend some time with our staff and see our operation, we couldn’t be more appreciative of his time and notoriety and of course giving Palomar his stamp of approval!” says Palomar Solar Co-Founder Adam Rizzo.


Thank you to the Turko Files!


Check out the Video Here:



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Curtis Williamson