The clock is ticking!

With less than 30 days left to get under the NEM 1.0 umbrella in SCE territory, we have limited spots left in our schedule, two at most. If you have been on the fence about going solar before NEM 2.0 happens, this weekend is the time to make the final decision. Please see the NEM 2.0 factsheet below to get more information on NEM 2.0 fees, TOU rates etc.

Palomar Solar would need to be able to pull your permit and get the project installed and approved by the city inspector by June 23, in order to give us the wiggle room to beat SCE’s current deadline. Our system is very good but would like to have the extra week to work through the Utility’s process.


Just yesterday we received this alert from SCE –   Only IRs (Interconnection Requests) that have submitted all documentation (with no deficiencies) by the time SCE hits it cap or 11:59 p.m. on June 30, 2017, if earlier, will be served on NEM 1.0. Any IRs that have not completed and submitted all necessary documentation (with no deficiencies) as of SCE reaching its NEM 1.0 cap or 11:59 p.m. on June 30, 2017, if earlier, will be processed under the NEM 2.0 with required application fee and other tariff guidelines. 


We want to help you avoid the procrastination tax! Keep in mind the limited space on our schedule, and other variables such as weather, the Utility, County, and City etc. that can affect your install time frame.


Palomar Solar also wants to make it very clear that solar will still make incredible sense even after the NEM 2.0 shift has happened, you will just have some additional fees in comparison to NEM 1.0. We estimate it to be anywhere from $20-$30 per month. We have not seen a slow down with residential or commercial solar in San Diego Gas & Electric territory since the NEM 2.0 program has gone into effect in San Diego.


We are still helping families gain energy independence every day in Southern California and will continue to do so, whether it’s with NEM 1.0 or NEM 2.0.

Call us NOW to get on the Palomar Solar Schedule and beat the NEM 1.0 deadline!


NEM 2.0 Fact Sheet from CALSEIA 

NEM 2.0 FAQs from SCE


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Curtis Williamson