Unfortunately, NEM 3 was passed by the CPUC on December 15th, 2022. If you have been considering going solar time is running out to avoid a 20-year procrastination tax.You need to sign a contract with a reputable solar contractor who has the staff to process your NEM 2 paperwork prior to April 14th. Once that is completed you have three years to install your project to be grandfathered under NEM 2 for 20 years.Be very cautious of solar scams over the next 120 days. There is no benefit to waiting. Do your research select the right contractor and move forward. All the reputable contractors are going to be backed up processing paperwork so you will want to give them plenty of time.Normally we sell 400 projects a year I expect to sell 2,000 in the next 120 days.We look forward to helping as many homeowners, businesses, and faith-based organizations as we can. Thanks in advance for helping spread the word.

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Curtis Williamson