How TOU will affect you

Some solar contractors will say whatever they can to get you to sign on the dotted line, which is not how Palomar Solar operates. We are committed to staying on top of changes with the Utility and to always deliver the most accurate and current information for our customers and potential customers.

On January 19th, 2017 The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) gave their proposed decision on TOU and grandfathering with the Utility. This proposed decision has caused much confusion. And while there are still variables that are unknown, Palomar Solar wants to help homeowners understand what we, in fact, DO know and what your options are.


What is Time of Use (TOU)? And what is TOU Period Grandfathering?

TOU is one rate structure that charges more when electricity demand is at its peak and less when it’s plentiful. The Utility Company will determine what the price is, depending on the time of the day that you are using it.

TOU Period Grandfathering permits eligible customers to continue billing under existing TOU periods for a specific period of time after new TOU periods are implemented.

During a meeting, we had this week with Brad Heavner, Policy Director of CALSEIA he cleared up some of the confusion for us.

“Customers who interconnect before December 1st, 2017 will be able to use DR-SES (the current SDG&E Solar TOU rate plan) with its current time periods and continue with those time periods for five years.  Customers who interconnect before the end of March 2018 will be able to use Schedule DR (the current Tiered rate plan most SDF&E customers use) and stay on it for five years.” Said Brad.


These are the important facts regarding TOU in SDG&E territory

  • There is NO July 28th residential deadline, needing Permission to Operate (PTO) from the Utility to be able to get grandfathered into TOU.
  • Customers who are installed and receive PTO before December 1st, 2017 will be able to get grandfathered into the current TOU rate structure.
  • Customers who receive PTO after December 1st, 2017 but before March 30th, 2018 will be able to get into the new TOU periods (proposed 4pm-9pm) or get under the tiered rate structure.


Bottom “dead” line? 

Many homeowners contact us when there are Utility deadlines and are shocked to hear we can’t guarantee them being installed to make the final cut. If you want to get grandfathered into the current TOU rate structure and be able to buy electricity at a low rate and sell your electricity at a high rate, time is of the essence. The end of November is just around the corner and there are many things that are needed to take into consideration, Utility change schedules, County of City process delays, weather delays etc. Keep in mind, as we get closer to our peak summer months, our backlog extends out accordingly. We will do everything in our power to get your solar system installed, inspected and turned on by the deadline, but we need you to make the first step to get your project on our schedule as soon as possible.



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Curtis Williamson