Starting March 1st 2017 SDG&E is raising rates, yet again. They will have a rate increase of 10 percent, the Utility has steadily increased their rates as much as 25 percent annually in recent years.

If you already have solar electric you’re lucky and get to avoid this headache while continuing to live your energy independent lifestyle, but what about your friends and family? Spread the word about this price hikes and how going solar has changed the way that you live.

If you’re still on the fence about going solar, NOW is the time to do it to further avoid unknown and unregulated price increases from the Utility. Installing solar will change the way you live and save you money.

Don’t forget about Palomar Solar’s easy and effective referral program, you will receive a $500 referral check for each completed install that you send our way! We want to help your friends and family also save money and put a little extra in your pocket too.

Call us for more details today!

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Curtis Williamson