There is still time left to be grandfathered into standard billing rates before SDG&E pushes ALL customers to the TOU (Time of Use) billing structure.

What does this mean?

The new billing structure being proposed by the major utilities including SDG&E offers undesirable peak hours from 4pm-9pm, coincidentally a period in which the Utility spent the last 10 years conditioning us to use the most power. Now is the time to go solar, act soon to avoid the procrastination tax.

SDG&E has a lot of changes coming up, many of these changes are not being made public until there is no time left to meet the unrealistic deadlines they set. SDG&E will do anything to steer customers away from going solar. Why? Because they make less money when you are generating your own electricity!

The second deadline with grandfathering is approaching quickly, to be grandfathered into current standard rates and avoid being forced into TOU (Time of Use) billing, your system will need to be installed and have Permission to Operate by 3/30/2018.  Depending on the scope of your project it may already be too late. 

Call us today to find out if we can help you beat the deadline or not. 

Many homeowners contact us when there are Utility deadlines and are shocked to hear we can’t guarantee them being installed to make the final cut. If you want to get grandfathered into the current standard tired rate structure, time is of the essence. The end of March is just around the corner and there are many things that are needed to take into consideration, Utility schedules, County and City process delays, weather delays etc. Keep in mind there are many families trying to beat this deadline.  We process all jobs in the order the contracts are received.

We will do everything in our power to get your solar system installed, inspected and turned on by the deadline, but we need you to make the first step to get your project on our schedule as soon as possible.


Call us today to learn more 760.504.0388 or complete this form and we will reach out to you!


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Curtis Williamson